Miss CT and I at the Palace Theater Marquee Moments Fundraiser!
I had a great time meeting Miss Connecticut 2007 Dana Daunis! She is great representative for ALL young women in our state ! Her talent for Miss America is singing and WOW what a voice. She appeared in the theaters Poli Club room and belted out some fabulous songs! We will be cheering her on in January at Nationals!!! Go Dana!!!
I am so incredibly grateful for the
wonderful year I had representing the State of Connecticut as Mrs. Connecticut United States 2008. Now that my pageant reign has ended, I have been given the opportunity to assist our NEW Mrs. Connecticut with her wonderful journey across our state.
I will also be posting photos of her activities along with judging opoortunites and future appearance photos~
If you would like the new Mrs. Connecticut to attend your event, Please email me at MrsCT2008@aol.com
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